The present now is Not for me…
These glazed walls Is not for me
The house heavily armed with normality and familiarity
Is not for me…
Mine is the shine of dawn
Mine is the youth of the liberated mare…
All glitter is mine and
Mine is the macrocosm
~~~ Mrs. Hamda Khamis Ahmad 《Those Not For Me》
巴勒斯坦伯利恆 |
在去年柬埔寨行之前,去中東的念頭早已萌芽。除了超生火的方哥,主要是因為在阿根廷首都 Buenos Aires 遇見的韓國女孩。他們都不約而同將耶路撒冷,這個課本才會見到的傳說中城市,列為心目中最愛的外國城市,